She Shoots Film, Issue 3, Metamorphosis, examines the concept of METAMORPHOSIS from multiple angles with a mix of photography, interviews, personal essays, and reflections from the community.  

Cover Artist Elizabeth Casasola

Interviews Hazel Dooney, Cig Harvey, Nancy Rexroth, Aline Smithson

Interviewers Katt Janson Merilo, Lilly Schwartz, Aliki Smith

Writers Ruby Berry, Lilly Schwartz

Photographic contributions

Laura Aubrée, Deborah Candeub, Sabrina Caramanico, Elizabeth Casasola, Lauren Hare, Mia Krys, Emma Perry, Paola Katherine Rodriguez, Emma Starr, Lisa Toboz

Senior Editor Nina De Goldi Way

Editor in Chief Aliki Smith

Designer Lucy Guernier

Publication specifications

112 pages perfect bound. Cover – Circle Matt White 300gsm. Internal section – Cocoon Offset 120gsm.

Made from 100% FSC® recycled pulp. 

Printing by Medialis and shipping by Heftwerk in Berlin, Germany. 

$20 USD + 8 USD shipping (worldwide)

We are grateful to our community for supporting us via this Indiegogo campaign to continue making She Shoots Film.