All content submitted to She Shoots Film must be your own. All photographs submitted must be made using the film photography or analogue photography mediums. Whilst we will endeavour to credit you where possible and this is always at the forefront for us, we cannot guarantee this will happen in every instance.

You retain all rights and copyright to everything submitted to She Shoots Film, however if you submit your work for consideration to be presented on our online website or in our print publication, you do so in accordance with the following:

By contributing to She Shoots Film you agree to grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, licence to publish and otherwise use the material on our website for marketing and promoting any future She Shoots Film activity. She Shoots Film reserves the right to determine what work will be used.

By contributing these images, you warrant that you are the copyright holder, or have the permission of the copyright holder, to send us the images and to use them as described above, that you have permission of anyone appearing or performing in the material, including from the parent or guardian of anyone under the age of 18, and that you are not infringing any person’s rights by submitting the material to She Shoots Film on the terms set out above.

At no time should you infringe any laws in obtaining the images or sending them to us for consideration and online publication.